Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Year Ago

Our world turned 'upside down'.

There were times that ayah felt, that it might be the end. To be honest, ayah even tanya imam tentang khairat, kat mana nak kebumikan jenazah..Masyaallah!! Kemudiannya ayah tersedar yang ayah tak sepatutnya putus harapan, ayah beristighfar dan menangis.

Life has never been the same since.

We now live a better life. We appreciate the values of family ties, friendships, better than ever. We embrace the true meaning of doa, tawakkal, redha, berserah, nikmat sakit. We have learned many things that others may not have the opportunities. And we now share that experience to others in needs..... Many more.

Thanks to Allah. Alhamdulillah.

12 months on...

Ayah setiap hari berdoa...
Sarah bertambah sihat dan kekal sihat
Sarah sembuh sepenuhnya
Kanser tidak muncul lagi dalam hidup Sarah


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