Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sarah @ 2 years 9 month old

Sarah ability to use 3 to 4 words per sentence.

"Father, help open please!"

"Mother, come i show you!"

"Mother, wash berak"

"Mother, semuutt!!! I sapu ok"

"Mother, I'm done "

"Mother, I want princess (dress)"

"Father, what you doing?"

"Father, where you going?"

"Mother, i want go Jaye (giant)"

"Father, where are you?"

"Mother, i want go home"

"Mother, I want some more please"

"Mother, Iwant duwet (duit)"

"Mother, I want -->+ any vocab that she knew"

" Mother, I want -->see Hi-5, see mebius, see cosmos, see pin pin (upin ipin), see bean (Mr bean)

Another favourite quote:

- "No, I don't want!"
- "Wait...not yet"
- "Ok..i'm coming mother"
- "Wait mother, wait ok...see"

Other vocab:
- nashi mak (nasi lemak)
- umang (lemang)
- shipar (selipar)
- shu (shoe)
- antek (cantik)
- kuku (gunting)
- akan (makan)
- inum (minum)
- ambut (rambut)
- shikat (sikat, ikat)
- eat
- shushu (susu)
- tishu (tisu)
- air
- water
- shower
- sabun
- pampers
- sleep
- fish
- shiken (chicken)
- daging
- totis (tortoise)
- aepen (aeroplane)
- dog
- cat
- ontot (kentut)
- shame-shame
- ipas (lipas)
- tikus
- iki mouse (mickey mouse)
- anana (banana)
- shishak (cicak)
- fawer (flower)
- air tey (air teh)
- ilo (milo)
- hot
- pedas
- panas
- andi (mandi)
- shop
- taman
- shappi (sapi )
- kakak
- up
- down
- semut
- behind
- atok uwan house
- ayam
- pool
- swim
- shekal (basikal)
- keep
- bukak
- panty
- skool (school)

and more....

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