Sunday, December 26, 2010

Aeroplane treat

It was back in June kalau tak salah ayah, Awish cakap dengan Mina "Mina, december we will ride the aeroplane".
Mama dan ayah terkedu dan at the same time determined to fulfill their dream - naik aeroplane.
Nak pegi oversea macam tak mampu, maka domestic destination jadi target. Langkawi was our choice, sebab boleh naik flight, plus banyak tempat interesting untuk budak-budak.
About 5 days sebelum our flight, mama bagitau Awish kita akan ke Langkawi naik kapalterbang. Selepas tu tiap-tiap hari Awish akan bangun pagi dan cakap " Ayah, 5 more days,.... ayah 4 more days ". Excited. Best jadi budak2.
The day - 2nd December. At the departure hall, waiting anxiously to board the plane.

Awish new hairstyle - Supersonic katanya. Specially designed for boarding an aeroplane. (It comes with the smile, satu package)

Yeahh!!!!! Naik aeroplane. Dengan sendirinya Awish, Mina dan Sarah duduk quietly, organised, and without a huss or puss. Macamlah dah biasa/selalu naik kapalterbang je.

Enjoying the 'meal' - salted peanuts and fresh orange. Yang bestnya MAS now is serving milo ais. Memang bertuah Awish and co. Mintak tambah 2-3 round lagi tu. Nasib baik steward dan stewardess baik2 belaka.

A dream/wish fulfilled.

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